Thursday, January 12, 2012

If you wubba me then I will wubba you

Today I looked at my Nobue avatar on MAL and thought that she looked unfamiliar. As though, perhaps, it was the first time I ever really saw her.

It's like looking at yourself in the mirror and wondering who is this stranger staring back at you. Do I know you? Or maybe I've forgotten you? Something like that.


  1. But it's really hard to imagine you with another avatar. It's perceived as something static.

    1. I've come to realise I'm very set in my ways. And I've had a lot of people say that they "see me" when they see that avatar.

  2. But meeting a stranger can also result in a wonderful experience. :3

  3. Please tell me you're referencing Sesame Street. Or am I a 20 year old woman with a 5 year old's mentality? [wubba wubba wubba and a doodly-do...]

    Did the stranger leave a good impression, at least? Or did you feel an indifference toward her?

    1. Yes, it is a reference to the song "Monster in the Mirror" from Sesame Street :)

    2. I knew it! "Monster in the Mirror" was always my favorite song as a little girl, ha ha.

      Thank you for replying. I hope you continue writing for this blog. :)
